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Saturday, April 25, 2015

Foundation Training

Project Foundation

Common Foundation of functionality shared across all the modules of the Project Suite.
Examples are:
•Periods and Calendars
•Implementation Options
•Project Types and Templates

A ledger determines accounting functions of Legal Entity
- Chart of Accounts, Currency, Calendar (3 C’s)
- Assigned to a Responsibility; Profile Option ‘GL: Ledger Name’
- Dynamic Insertion
- Required Segments: Cost Center, Natural Account, Balancing Segment

Represents Unit of Company
- Organization Hierarchy
- Project/Task Owning
- Expenditure/Event Owning
- Invoice Collection
Uses of Organizations:
•Employees are assigned to Organizations
•Used for rollup reporting based on organization hierarchies
•Used in Auto Accounting for deriving segment values

Implementation Options
Implementation Options are defined by Operating Unit and Control Processing Options of the Project Suite; Both within the Suite and Interface of Data to/from other Modules

-Maintain Common GL and PA Periods – Allows maintaining separate periods from GL Calendar
-PA Period Type – Allows copy of periods from GL
-Reporting Organization Hierarchy
- Default Settings for Handling Foreign Currency Transactions

Project Setup
-Manual or Automatic Project Numbering
-Task Organization Hierarchy
-Project Resource Management Settings for Work Week; Advertising Openings

-Start of Week
-Defines if Overtime Calculations are Processed
-Determines if Contingent Worker Timecards are Interfaced with Project Costing
-Determines the Sources of Cost to be Interfaced to GL
-Expenditure/Event Organization Hierarchy

-Invoice Related Settings
-Manual or Automatic Invoice
Cross Charge and Internal Billing
-Determines Handling of Intercompany & Inter Organization Costs and Billing

Common Configuration
-Jobs – Assigned per Person in HR. Can be used in defaulting Cost and Bill Rates.
-Roles – Type of Assignment the Person is filling on a Project. Can be used for Role Based Security.
-Rate Schedules – Lists of rates by function (job, expenditure type, resource)
-Project Statuses – Status of a Project Controlling the Available Functions (including Transactions) which can be performed on the project.
-Project Classifications – User Configurable Lists of Values Assigned Per Project. Can be used in Auto Accounting, Reporting, etc.

Project Class
Delivered; Defines the Flow and Integration of the Project
-Contract: Billable, Customer Facing Project; Integrated with Oracle Receivables
-Capital: Track Capitalizable Spend; Integrated with Oracle Assets
-Indirect: Cost Tracking, Administrative Costs. No Billing, No Capitalization

Project Types
Defines the Processing of a Project
-All Project Types are assigned to a Project Class
-Defaults Project Attributes for Costing, Billing, Capitalization, Burdening

Project Templates
Used to Create a Project with Common Settings
-All Templates are assigned to a Project Type
-Create a Project by Copying a Template or Existing Project
-Stores Common Project Attributes to Avoid Duplicate Entry and Avoid User Data Entry Errors

Project Costing
Project Based Cost Collection and Management
•Cost Accounting
•Integration with other Modules and External Systems

Cost Accounting Considerations
Auto Accounting or Subledger Accounting is Configured to Build Account Combinations for each type of Cost Transaction
Auto Accounting Example

Expenditure Types are defined to classify the lowest breakdown of cost tracking. Each Expenditure Type belongs to an Expenditure Category. These are generally used during account generation to derive the natural account segment. Each expenditure type must be tied to an expenditure type class in order to process transactions for that expenditure class (i.e. Expense Reports)
Expenditure Type Example

Applies additional costs to your raw costs, i.e. Add Fringe to Labor Costs
Project Type Controls Burden Processing
-Same vs. Different Expenditure Item
-Burden Costs to the Charging Project OR to a Specific Project/Task
-Determine if Account for Total Burdened Costs

Burdening: Configuration
Cost Bases – Basis of Raw Costs for Applying Burden (Groupings of Expenditure Types)
Burden Cost Codes – The name of the type of burden being applied to the raw cost. (Expenditure Type with Class Burden Transaction) i.e. Fringe, G&A
Burden Structures – Groups Cost Bases and Specifies the Expenditure Types to include per Base. Specifies the Cost Codes used to Generate Burden.

Burdening: Burden Schedules
-Burden Structure Assigned to Schedule
-Multipliers – Percentage Factor of Burden Applied to Raw Cost
-Firm (multiplier applied at time of transaction) or Provisional (multiplier applied during generation but retroactively adjusted when actual multipliers are entered)
-Assigned to the Project Type, Project, or Task. Overrides Allowed at Project and/or Task Level
-Schedule can be used for Costing, Revenue, or Invoicing

Integration Points
-Oracle iExpense
-Oracle Purchasing and Oracle Accounts Payable
-Oracle Time and Labor
-Oracle Inventory
-Oracle Project Manufacturing
-Transaction Import – allows integration with third party systems and custom solutions

Project Billing
Project Based Customer Billing Solution with Multiple Revenue and Invoice Generation Capabilities
•Agreements and Project Funding

Receivables Configuration
-System Options – Default processing for Oracle Receivables
-Sources – Controls the processing of data from other sources. Delivered source ‘PROJECTS INVOICES’. Configurable by Operating Unit and Legal Entity
-Transaction Types – Controls transaction specific options. Delivered types are: ‘Projects Invoice’ and ‘Projects Credit Memo’. Configurable by Operating Unit and Legal Entity
-Configure eBusiness Tax to handle taxes in Projects or Receivables

Project Billing Configuration
-Bill Rate Schedules – Stores rates or percentage markup values for generation of revenue and/or invoice amounts. By Job, Employee, Non Labor (Expenditure Type, Resource), or Resource Class
-Invoice Formats – Controls the Information Generated on the Invoice Line (Interfaced to Receivables)
-Cycles – Billing Cycle Determines the Frequency of Generating Customer Invoices (i.e Monthly, Bi-Monthly, Weekly)
-Revenue Category – Categorization of types of Revenue. Can be used in Auto Accounting.
-Event Types – Type of revenue or invoice generating activity that is not tied to a specific project expenditure. Entered at project or top task level. The Event Class determines the impact of the event on revenue or invoicing. Event Types are also tied to a Revenue Category.
-Agreement Types – Type of Agreement with Customer (i.e. Purchase Order or Statement of Work)
Hard Limit – Stops accrual of revenue or customer invoice once project has reached the funded amount
Soft Limit – Allows accrual of revenue or customer invoices even if the funded amount has been reached

Revenue Accounting
Auto Accounting or Subledger Accounting is Configured to Build Account Combinations for each type of Revenue Transaction, By Source, and all Revenue and Invoice Accounts (Accounts Receivable, Unbilled Receivable/Unearned Revenue, Realized Gain/Loss)

Distribution Rules / Billing Methods
-Work – Revenue or Invoice Generated As Work Occurs, based on rate schedules and quantity (Time and Material)
-Event – Revenue or Invoice Generated based on Occurrence of Event. Manually Entered or Created via Extensions
-Cost – Revenue or Invoice Generated based on Ratio of Actual Cost to Budgeted Cost (Percent Complete)
Distribution Rule = Revenue Method/Invoice Method

Project Management
Project Based Planning Solution for Project Managers
•Workplan and Progress
•Budgeting and Forecasting
•Issue and Change Management
•Project Performance Reporting

Workplan and Progress Management
-Enable Workplan Structure and Progress Tracking
-Workplan Versioning and Workflow Approvals
-Structure Sharing:
Partially Shared
Non Shared Task Based Mapping
Non Shared No Mapping

-Enable Deliverables
-Setup Deliverable Types. Deliverable Type Classes:
-Item – plan, ship, procure, bill
-Document – ship, procure, bill
-Other – ship, procure, bill
-Configure Integration with Supply Chain and Project Billing

Budgeting and Forecasting
-Financial Plan Types – Determines the type of plan – Budget or Forecast, Used as Approved or for Planning and Reporting
-Spread Curves – Determines how the planned amount is spread across accounting periods in the financial plan
-Resource Breakdown Structures – Hierarchical Grouping by Resource Type
-Planning Resource Lists – List of Resources Available to Include in Financial Plan by Resource Format
-Planning Rate Schedules – Used for financial plan calculations

Issue and Change Management
-Control Item Classifications – Used to Categorize and Report Issues and Changes for a Project. (Project Classifications)
-Classification – Categorizes the type of Issue or Change
-Reason – Categorizes the Causes of Issues or Changes
-Resolution – Categorizes the Resolutions of Issues or Changes
-Control Item Statuses
-Control Item Priorities, Level of Efforts, Source Type

Project Performance Reporting
Summarized Project Specific Planned to Actual Comparison Reporting (Actual – Budget – Forecast) at the Project, Task, and Resource Levels
-Global BI Profile Options
-BIS: Enterprise Calendar, BIS: Period Type
-BIS: Primary Currency, BIS: Primary Rate Type OPTIONAL: BIS: Secondary Currency, BIS: Secondary Rate Type (if you want to view in currency other than the default global currency)
-BIS: Global Start Date
-Control the Display of Financial Information in PPR Pages and Regions
-PJI: Default Reporting Calendar Type and PJI: Default Reporting Currency Type
-PPR Setup Parameters
-Planning Amount Allocation and Conversion Methods
-Current Reporting Period

Loading PPR
Set Profile Option ‘PJI: Truncate PJI Summary Tables = Yes’
Submit ‘Delete Project Intelligence and Performance Reporting Data’
Submit ‘Delete Project Performance Reporting’
Modify PPR Setup Parameters (if required)
Submit ‘Load Project and Resource Base Summaries’
Submit ‘Load Project Performance Data’

Project Resource Management
Management of Project Resource Needs
•Project Staffing

Staffing Statuses
-Requirement Statuses – Status of the Requirement in the Staffing Lifecycle (Open, Filled, Cancelled). Status Controls determine if the requirement is included in project forecasts, visible in requirement searches, resource assignable, and if it is a starting status for a new requirement
-Assignment Statuses – Status of the Resource Selected to fill the Assignment (Provisional, Confirmed, Canceled). Status Controls determine if the assignment is included in project forecasts and if it is a starting status for a new assignment.

-Candidate Statuses – State of the Nomination of a Specific Resource for filling a Requirement. There are several pre-defined statuses. The one status control determines if a change reason is required when the candidate status is changed.
-Assignment Approval Statuses – State of the Assignment during the Approval Process. There are several pre-defined statuses used by workflow approval processing. These cannot be added to, modified, or deleted.

Staffing Status Profile Options
-PA: Starting Requirement Status, PA: Filled Requirement Status, PA: Cancelled Requirement Status
-PA: Default Starting Candidate Status, PA: Canceled Requirement’s Candidate Status, PA: Invalid Resource Candidate Status
-PA: Starting Assignment Status, PA: Canceled Assignment Status

Advertisement Rules
-Advertisement Rules – Controls how Resources and Managers see the Requirement. Time Phased. Controls the Actions Performed when Conditions are met
-Default Rule defined in Implementation Options, Project Template, Project, Requirement
-Actions are Validated:
-PRC: Perform Action Rules – Scheduled Regularly to Perform Actions.
-Online Update of the Requirement or when the Rule is Started

Project Collaboration
Provides Team Collaboration Tools for Execution of Project Work
•Team Member Hom

Team Member Home
One Stop Location of all a Team Member’s Project Related Tasks, for one or multiple projects. Allows the person logged in to take action on issues, change requests, change orders, deliverables, enter progress, upload documents, etc.
-Page Layout(s)
-Profile Option: ‘PA: Team Member Home Page Layout’. Set at any Level.

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