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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

OAF Contents

OAF Custom Implementation  
  1. Java framework, Design Pattern
  2. Comparison between OAF, ADF, Java Struts and other java frameworks
  3. OA Framework MVC Architecture
  4. Overview of JDeveloper
  5. Setup of Jdeveloper with OAF Extension
  6. Build Hello World and Sample login page
  7. Overview of OA Framework files
  1. OA Framework Page Basics
  2. OA Framework Coding Standards
  3. Simple Search Page
  4. Example on Search page (Involves : PG, CO, VO, AM)
  1. How to create List of Values(LOV)
  2. How to create Poplist,Radio buttons, check box and coding examples on dependent lovs
  3. Examples on events : ButtonEvent, HyperLinkEvent, ImageEvent, LovEvent, PopListEvent
  4. Demo on : Sample OAF Page to perform DML Operations Using EO  (Involves : PG, CO, VO, EO, AM)
  5. Demon on : Attachment Region
  6. Demo on : Sample OAF Page to perform DML Operations Using PLSQL API
  1. OAF Deployment Basics & Scripts (For R12.1. and R12.2 also)
  2. Overview of MDS and JDR tables
  3. Error Handling and Debugging Exercise
  1. Different Types of Region Styles in OAF
  2. Shared Region Concept
  3. Simple Table, Header Region, MessageComponent Layout, Query region etc
  4. Tokens & URL Parameters
  5. Demo on Master Child Page using : Advanced Table, HGrid  (Involves : PG, CO, VO, VL, AM)
  1. Demo of Advanced Topics like Partial Page Rendering(PPR), SPEL bound Syntax, 25.Dynamic Content, Bound Values, Context Info, Hide/Show etc…
  1. How to call Standard PL/SQL package, functions and SQL statements
  2. Using CallableStatement
  3. Using PreparedStatement
  1. Integration of OAF with Other Oracle Apps Components
  2. How to use : AOL message, AOL Lookup, AOL valueset
  3. How to display Flexfields (KFF, DFF) on OAF Page
  4. OAF integration with XML Report
  5. OAF Integration with Concurrent Program
  6. OAF Integration with Workflow
  1. How to display DB image in OAF Page
  2. How to upload csv file from OAF page into DB Table
  3. CSS in OAF

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