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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Oracle IPM-Implementing Financial Image Processing Solution Accelerator

Implementation of Oracle IPM on Financial Image Processing Solution Accelerator for Oracle EBS at a client's location. The accelerator is a basic solution for AP process(Accounts Payable), it offers basic functionality for implementing paperless solution for Accounts Solution.
Invoice comes into the Organization,scan it using ODC or ODDC from remote location, index it using OFR and manage workflows using IPM with SOA-BPEL as the engine.
During this implementation i encountered several issues which i never faced while working in my office.So, i thought of sharing them just in case it might be of any help.
The main step in Installing Accelerator is to make sure AXF is working fine.AXF is nothing but a framework Application Extension Framework which consists of tables with entires at ERP end(EBS in this case) and at IPM end.
AXF is automatically installed at IPM end when Oracle ECM is installed.Oracle provides directory under C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_ECM1\axf
This directory consists of scripts and demo for installing and testing AXF for EBS or PeopleSoft.
After the installation, it's necessary to test whether AXF is running fine.
To test go to drivers directory under axf:-
1) Click helloworld and then dbscripts directories respectively
2)use the credentials for IPM schema(created during RCU) for login in database
3)Connect and run inserthellocommand.sql
4)Open :http://:16000/imaging/faces/Driver.jspx
 where ipaddress:address where IPM server is running 
5)Login using the administrative credentials
6)Enter CommandNamespace:HelloWorld
8)User:Administrative User(eg weblogic)
9)Click on Execute Command, if Conversation Id is generated that means AXF is installed and working properly......

Testing AXF-BPEL Integration:
The main purpose of AXF is to provide integration between IPM and ERP(EBS and Peoplesoft).When a document is scanned and submitted in IPM, then workflow is initiated in SOA on BPEL engine.Thus, whenever any change is done in the process which requires changes in ERP it should be reflected automatically.
In order to synchronize AXF is used and BPEL integration becomes necessary.

To test, perform following things
1)Under axf\HelloBpel select dbscripts\oracle
2)Open insertHelloBPELData.sql
3)In statement,Insert into AXF_SOLUTION_ATTRIBUTES (SOLUTION_NAMESPACE,PARAMETER_KEY,PARAMETER_VALUE) change BPEL_ConnectionName with the name of the Connection created in IPM
4)Execute this query with credentials of shema owner for IPM(created using RCU)
5)Open HelloBpel.jws in jdeveloper and deploy to soa managed server.
6)See the human task, if task is assigned to california group, then create one in Admin Console and assign admin user to it.
7)Open :http://:16000/imaging/faces/Driver.jspx where ipaddress:address where IPM server is running
8)Enter following CommandNameSpace:HelloBPEL
10)User:Administrative User(eg weblogic)
11)Click on ExecuteCommand 
12)ConversationId should be generated
13)Click on ExcecuteResponse
14)It will take you to worklist and you should be able to see task

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